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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...  we've been busy busy BUSY!!  Running here and there, snapping photos, burning CDs, running ragged!

In our homeschool this week...  we're getting ready to start school again!  Well, we never really stopped, but we've been piecing it together as we went.  Most of our curriculum is in, so we've been getting ready, organizing, and gathering supplies.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...  WalMart.  And Hobby Lobby.  And JoAnn's.  A lot.

My favorite thing this week was...  taking all of the pictures of my babies for Mommytography 365.  I don't have NEARLY enough photos of all of my babies!!  

What's working/not working for us...  our schedules and routines.  Gotta get better on sticking to them, and thinking I might have to rework them slightly. 

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...  while I'm sure it's possible to homeschool for free or for cheap, sometimes, it saves a lot in the long run to just put out the money and get what you need.  I wish we had done years ago what we're doing now.  Things would be running much more smoothly.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...  While I can't recommend *every* video put out on this YouTube channel (for instance, while the Cleopatra video is great, there's some barely dressed women at the end of it...), this one is pretty good. It's basically a history lesson put to pop music (this is Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Girls), and, while we don't listen to that, my kids have really taken to the videos.  :)  They're purely secular in nature, though, so be aware.


  1. I like your comment about saving money...and it just being worth it to pay for what you need and be done with it. My time and your time is so valuable. Sometimes piecing it together does NOT work for me. I need a core and then build around that. I even ditched my bi-weekly lesson plan (4 hours in front of the computer typing out what we were going to do), I write it on the white board in five minutes the night before...and voila! The kids love it, too!!! Can't wait to read more...following you from The Homeschool Chick.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Rebecca! I cringe to think how much I've blown curriculum hopping, trying to find the best deal, when if I had just gotten what I had thought was best the first time, and didn't worry about the price tag, things might be different at the moment.

  3. I miss shopping at all those places!! LOL! I only shop (mostly) online. :) Thanks for sharing.
