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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Artist Award

My denomination (Seventh Day Adventist) has a children's program called Adventurers. It's sort of like Scouts, the kids can earn Awards, they have different levels, based on grades, and they have to complete certain criteria before advancing. I wanted my kids to be part of that, but our church doesn't have a Club. Luckily, the North American Division (NAD) will let you use Adventurers as part of your homeschooling curriculum!!! (Provided you don't have a club, which we don't...)

OK, but my worry was that if we ever moved to a church that did have a club, they'd want proof that my kids have actually earned the awards that I've given them. (All right, I'll admit, that's probably not going to happen, but, still, like to cover my bases.)

Enter... you guessed it, LAPBOOKS!! Now, I'll be making a lot of these on my own, but I got my basic templates at Homeschool Share, so head there if you're feeling creative enough to make yours. These aren't very in depth, I basically just went down the awards (we're working on Busy Bees this year, Grade 1), and figured out how to make books for each requirement, or took pictures, if that would work better.

So, here's our Artist Award Lapbook!

Top picture is the front of our lapbook.  I downloaded graphics of each of the Busy Bee level awards, the Adventurer logo, and the Busy Bee logo, and I simply glued them on the top of the lapbook, so I remember what everything is for.

The second picture is the inside of the lapbook.  It has all of the requirements for the Artist Award, and if the requirement was something they couldn't answer in a mini book (like projects), I took a picture.  Those are the three projects that Danny did:  a bookmark in felt markers, a poster (the Adventurer Law) in colored pencils (OK, I wrote the Law out, he decorated, but still...), and a button box, made in glue and glitter, buttons, and markers.  They also did sponge stamping and torn paper art, but I forgot to put those pictures on the lapbooks.  

That's not photo paper, by the way, as you can probably guess with the horrible quality.  But I wasn't going to use my photo paper on this, that stuff's expensive!!

Here are some more pictures of the kids working on the lapbook.  Enjoy!!

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