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Monday, March 28, 2011

Goal Planning Monday 3/28/11

It's been a rough... while.  And a full month since I've blogged.  A lot's happened since then.  Not all bad, just busy.  Some bad, some that makes me sick to think about, some that just makes me wonder about the future of humanity in general. While pondering the Great Questions of Life, though, I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things, starting with Goal Planning Monday courtesy of Mama Manuscripts!

My Goals for This Week:

1.  Get out of bed BEFORE the kids.  Does wonders.

2.  Recommit a portion of my day to study and meditation on the Word.  I'm so so so very bad about this.  :( 

3.  Blog.  At least every other day, preferably every day. 

4.  Get off of the computer more and walk the kids through their studies, especially with their writing.  

5.  Evaluate and journal about... many things.  Many, many things the Lord has laid upon my heart in the last week or two.  I need to pray and figure them out.  See where He's leading me.  

Lots going on in my head this week.  I'm going to try to get it all down.  Stick with me! 


  1. Stopping by from Katrina's meme. Staying off the computer until my kids are in bed is one thing i have been trying to do lately. Good luck on your goals this week!

  2. Dropping by from Katrina's meme. Great goals --- I should adopt your goals as my own :-) I definitely need more time with the Lord!!!! I am now following you via GFC. Have a great week!

  3. Stopping by from Katrina's meme. Sorry you have had a rough couple of weeks. Glad you are working to get back on track and the goal planning meme can help with that. I know I have accomplished a lot in the past 9 weeks and this meme has been a good way to keep accountable. I wish you success and peace this week.

  4. I can totally relate to this. I get sooo much done when I get up before them. I also feel the need to pray and sit with God and figure things out. My life is so much more manageable when I do that.

  5. I wanted to add: thanks for your facebook comment!

    Also, I love your blog description. Homeschooling does become a part of your whole life. I love it!
