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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal 2/21/2011

In my life this week...    I've been incredibly busy.  More on that in a moment, but I know that I've been behind in my blog, and I promise to get caught up this week! 

In our homeschool this week...    We got our Tapestry of Grace and all of our books for this unit in the mail last Monday!!!  ((happy dancing!!))  Which is why I've been MIA on here.  If you use Tapestry, you know that it's NOT an open and go curriculum.  Unfortunately, the kids wanted to open and go.  So, I spent the better part of last week getting the kids used to their new Math U See, lots of drilling, teaching them about CQLA, starting our new Apologia Botany book, and then adding Tapestry into there, too, because they were dying to.  I was quite busy.  

My dear, wonderful, beautiful Katie has decided that the books we get with the Upper Grammar level of TOG are just not enough for her.  :-P  She sped through them at the speed of light already.  For the whole unit.  (Thankfully, I only bought a unit at  a time, or else she'd have read through the whole years worth!!)  So, we're onto ordering (or dreaming about, at least) the alternate resources and the Dialectic level books.  I loving having such avid readers!!  I do wish it wasn't so expensive, though... 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...  We went into Wichita this weekend, hoping to find a used bookstore to help support Katie's reading habit. :-p  We found the most WONDERFUL bookstore, although it's not all used (some is, some isn't) that is just right up our alley!!  Eighth Day Books is a book lover's PARADISE, and a homeschooling mother trying to educate her children with a classical philosophy could just totally and completely get lost in there.  (And did... until her beloved kept texting her to hurry up.  I promised to be back, though!!)  We're going to be there quite a bit, I do believe. :) 

My favorite thing this week was...  Seeing the kids get so excited at starting new stuff!

What's working/not working for us...  Spencerian Penmanship.  Well, for my son at least.  My daughter is doing SO well on it.  Patrick, however, despises it.  DH came and put the foot down, and we're switching back to A Reason For Handwriting.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...  How do you decide when your child's ready to move up into the Logic or Dialectic level?  One minute I think Katie's there one minute, gone the next.  She's definitely in that transitional stage, I think.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

We're learning about Ancient China this week.  Thought you might enjoy learning along with us! 

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