OK, so many many moons ago (AKA... when the school year started and I was very, VERY pregnant) I promised someone on my
MOMYS board that I would post some pictures of the way we organize. Now, I can't remember who it was
, but I DO remember saying it, so here ya go! This'll be a 3 part series, so I'll be linking as I get them done. Be patient with me!!
Basically, I got them each a 3 ring binder, and divided it into sections with tabbed dividers. I'm addicted to page protectors and laminate (I honestly don't know a homeschool mom who isn't...), so everything's in page protectors, to help it last. The sections are:
Calendars, Schedules, and Routines (which is in this entry)
Bible Study
This is what our binders look like. OK, the front was *supposed* to be decorated, but apparently they decided they didn't want to. Whatever, I try not to sweat the small stuff, it's their binders.
As you can see, our theme for this year is Fruits of the Spirit. This is Katie's; all of her stuff (binders, bins, organizers) is purple. WalMart had great stuff that was color coded around July and August, for dorms, and that's when I usually pick stuff like that up, so that each kid has their own color. Makes it easier in the long run for me.
This is basically what I used to separate the sections. I like the plastic dividers, they're sturdier, and my kids have this amazing ability to destroy ANYTHING. I also like the pockets, to keep their assorted papers that they just HAVE TO KEEP FOREVER!!! (Which is a lot, lately. Especially with Katie...)
Next is the monthly calendar. This is actually Danny's, you can see if you look closely that his binder is orange. It lets them know at a glance if they have doctor's appointments coming up, if we have vacations, road trips, stuff like that.
Back to Katie's... This is her weekly calendar. Again, tells at a glance what they have going on for the week. (By the way, I didn't create these calendars, they're part of a homekeeping binder I bought as an ebook... but it's on the computer I had that crashed out on me, and I can't find the link. But, I don't want to take someone else's credit. If you know the link, feel free to send it to me, and I'll post it. Until then, I'll keep looking, and let you know when I find it.)
This one's kind of hard to see, sorry. But, it's her daily schedule. I got this from using
Managers of Their Homes from
Titus 2 Ministries (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!) I had to crop it a bit (the flash on my camera was hating me), but you get the general idea.
Next we have her morning routine....
... and her bedtime routine. And that's it for the Calendars, Schedules, and Routines section.